Drees & Sommer Dialogue Tour Event on Circular Transformation

"Rethink, Reform, Renew" was the motto of the event, that we hosted in cooperation with Drees & Sommer and Zukunftskreis Nachhaltigkeit hoch 3.
Drees & Sommer - Götz Schönfeld (D&S), Pascal Biesenbach (Neue Effizienz), Carsten Gerhardt (Circular Valley), Uwe Schneidewind (Wuppertal), Peter Mösle (Epea), Stephan Bongwald (Barmenia), Photo: Circular Valley®/Jan Turek.
During the event, 180 high-profile guests from all over Germany and beyond once again made it clear that the future must be circular and that no more time must be wasted on the way there. The fact that this can only be accomplished through a cooperative effort was emphasized by our founder Carsten Gerhardt in a panel discussion.
Topics discussed in the historic Stadthalle Wuppertal included the future of sustainable business transformation, circular solutions for products, buildings, cities and locations and specific fields such as taxonomy, building materials, blockchain as a technology of value creation, urban transformation and networks of location and business development.
Photo: Circular Valley®/Jan Turek.