In 2002, HA Schult placed his famous figures in front of the pyramids of Giza.
Photo: Thomas Höpker
After the Great Wall of China and the Pyramids: Trash People come to the Circular Valley Forum

The artist HA Schult has set a worldwide example with his sculptures against environmental pollution and littering. On November 18th, he will bring some of his legendary figures to the large conference on the circular economy, the Circular Valley® Forum. At the Forum, he will meet an unusual kindred spirit.
The message behind Trash People is clear: Our planet must not fare like them. The sculptures are made only of waste and represent today's throwaway society and linear economy. The linear economy must be transformed into a real circular economy, so that our world does not sink in the garbage.

HA Schult's Trash People have spread the message around the world: in the Arctic, on the Red Square in Moscow, in front of the pyramids of Giza and on the Great Wall of China. The artist created the 1000 figures made from trash around 25 years ago and has been traveling with them ever since. His goal is to create spectacular images that thus trigger a rethinking of how we deal with trash.

The next stop on this special journey is now set: HA Schult and the Trash People will be one of the highlights at the Circular Valley® Forum on November 18th. Around 600 decision-makers from politics, business, science and civil society will come together in the Historische Stadthalle Wuppertal. In various formats, they will spend a day discussing the major challenges of a circular economy - and the best ideas for addressing them. Guests of honor at the forum include NRW Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst and his Flemish counterpart Jan Jambon.

In addition to HA Schult, Circular Valley® will welcome another member of the cultural scene on November 18th: Patrick Hahn. The 27-year-old Austrian wrote his first composition at the age of twelve. Today, he is the youngest general music director in the German-speaking world and a representative of the generation that is on the forefront of fighting for a transition towards a climate and environmentally friendly economy. Patrick Hahn will perform an exclusive program with the Wuppertal Symphony Orchestra for guests of the dinner at the Circular Valley® Forum.

The forum is organized by the Circular Valley® Foundation. The foundation came into being in the summer of 2021 and has since been working to make the wider Rhine-Ruhr region a global hotspot for the circular economy. It pursues this goal in three ways: by supporting startups from around the world in its accelerator program, by advising policymakers with the help of the knowledge gathered in Circular Valley®, and by informing citizens. Among other things, civil society is involved through cultural events, since art, film or music make the complex topics of the Circular Economy transformation become tangible.

The photos can be used free of charge in connection with reporting on the cultural program of the Circular Valley® Forum. Please cite the sources as indicated in the captions.

More about the Circular Valley® Forum can be found here.