At the Circular Valley Forum, the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia was represented by four other cabinet members. Their participation demonstrated that the circular economy is an interdisciplinary issue. Minister of Economic Affairs Mona Neubaur and Minister of the Environment Oliver Krischer, both visited the Forum for the second time. Not only do they both promote circular economy topics with their departments, but it also plays an important role in all other ministries.
Mona Neubaur, patron of Circular Valley, emphasized in her speech during the Forum how urgently action needs to be taken: "We don't have much time left. If things go on like this, we won't be where we want to be in 2040 until 2065." Addressing the entrepreneurs in the room, she said: "Our ecological systems are in danger of collapsing. For you, this means that you will lose your assets if we don't do something." Conversely, the circular economy could become a growth driver for North Rhine-Westphalia.
The positive energy of the Forum also impressed NRW's European Minister Nathanael Liminski and a guest from New York. Liminiski was fascinated by the "hands-on confidence" visible at the Circular Valley Forum. Nanette Braun, Head of Communication Campaigns at the United Nations, explained that such confidence is crucial to motivate people to believe that it is possible to make the transition despite the enormous challenges of our time. People need to feel that " they can be part of the solution".